Campaign for Médecins Sans Frontières to thank donors for their yearly support


Médecins Sans Frontières end of financial year campaign is an opportunity to thank supporters and highlight the meaningful impact they make around the world in crisis settings. The campaign needed to inspire an emotional reaction with human connection and convey why their support is more important than ever.


In the campaign theme ‘Your Compassion in Action’ we celebrate that MSF’s donors saw the atrocities of the last year, and acted. In this year, donors have taken the softness of their compassion, and through support for MSF turned it into hard-hitting, definitive action.We show them the incredible impact they’ve made, the lives they’ve saved, the programs they’ve powered and the MSF staff; doctors, nurses, logisticians, whose life-saving potential they’ve helped to fulfil. It’s their compassion, that makes it all possible. And it’s seen more action than ever.


We created a visual identity for the campaign that aligns seamlessly with the MSF brand and evoke an emotional response. Using a collage-style approach, we highlighted the incredible work, people, and humanity at the heart of MSF’s mission. Inline with our insights the visual identity captures the urgency of the cause but also maintains a delicate balance, avoiding a sense of heaviness or overwhelm.

We have worked with the team at Three Blocks Left for a number of years. Kylie and the team have provided us with great design work, including our EOFY receipts, our newsletter cover letters and our emergency appeals.

Kylie and the team work efficiently and effectively, taking the time to understand our branding and the message we are wanting to convey to our supporters. They are thoughtful in the work they do and ensure that each piece developed has meaning.

I very much recommend Kylie and the Three Blocks Left team to those wanting to work with a professional and talented team.